
蝉时雨 2021-2-25 23:22
第10位『白鯨』ハーマン・メルヴィル 第9位『真夜中の子供たち』サルマン・ラシュディ 第8位『ミドルマーチ』ジョージ・エリオット 第7位『罪と罰』フョードル・ドストエフスキー 第6位『アンナ・カレーニナ』レフ・トルストイ 第5位『戦争と平和』レフ・トルストイ 第4位『百年の孤独』ガブリエル・ガルシア= ...
个人分类: 书讯|798 次阅读|6 个评论
The Actor's Life: A Survival Guide
蝉时雨 2021-2-24 21:00
Jenna Fischer's Hollywood journey began at the age of 22 when she moved to Los Angeles from her hometown of St. Louis. With a theater degree in hand, she was determined, she was confident, she was ready to work hard. So, what could go wrong? Uh, basically everything. The path to being a ...
个人分类: 书讯|596 次阅读|0 个评论
Thursday Next Books
蝉时雨 2021-2-21 16:39
Coming from British author Jasper Fforde, this comic fantasy series is now a world renowned collection of novels due to their witty and irreverent take on the genre. With their own universe expanding as the series progresses, there is always more material and content for the franchise to bui ...
个人分类: 文学|625 次阅读|0 个评论
蝉时雨 2021-2-18 21:54
Faun is a German band that was formed in 1998 and plays pagan folk, darkwave, and medieval music. The originality of their music style is that it falls back to "old" instruments, and the singing is always the center of attention. The vocals are performed in a variety of languages, includin ...
个人分类: Wikipedia|375 次阅读|0 个评论
Welcome to the Monkey House
蝉时雨 2021-2-1 22:34
“ strips the flesh from bone and makes you laugh while he does it. . . . There are twenty-five stories here, and each hits a nerve ending.”— TheCharlotte Observer Welcome to the Monkey House is a collection of Kurt Vonnegut’s shorter works. Originally printed in pub ...
个人分类: 书讯|408 次阅读|0 个评论
蝉时雨 2021-1-31 22:32
At 2:27pm on February 13th of the year 2001, the Universe suffered a crisis in self-confidence. Should it go on expanding indefinitely? What was the point? There's been a timequake. And everyone—even you—must live the decade between February 17, 1991 and February 17, 2001 over again ...
个人分类: 书讯|348 次阅读|0 个评论
蝉时雨 2021-1-30 21:52
テリー・プラチェット原作 ドラマ「「The Watch(原作邦題「ディスクワールド」シリーズ)」の第1弾本予告編が公開されました。 原作「ディスクワールド」シリーズ(一部邦訳あり、大部分未訳)は、「グッド・オーメンズ」(親友ニール・ゲイマンとの共著)などで知られる2015年に亡くなったイングランドのベ ...
个人分类: Wikipedia|350 次阅读|0 个评论
5億年後に意外な結末 ピグマリオンの銀色の彫刻
蝉时雨 2021-1-21 18:23
超人気「5分後に意外な結末」シリーズに、最大の問題作が登場! 「5億年」の時を経てたどりついた、衝撃の結末とは? マンガと小説、恐怖と笑い、「バカバカしさ」と「奥深さ」の奇跡的な融合。『5秒後に意外な結末』の超脱線バージョン。 ...
个人分类: 书讯|403 次阅读|0 个评论
Cyberpunk RED
蝉时雨 2020-12-26 17:48
Welcome to the Time of the Red, Choomba! The Megacorporations spent decades wrecking everything and in the aftermath of their last War, everyone has to fend for themselves. But that’s just fine. You can handle it. After all, in a world of vicious boostergangs, rampaging cyborgs, corporat ...
个人分类: Wikipedia|563 次阅读|0 个评论
「Dog of Bay」
蝉时雨 2020-11-22 19:12
史上初PS2ミュージカルアクションゲーム「 Dog of Bay 」。 総合プロデュースに広井王子氏を迎え、歌・声のキャストには涼風真世、本田美奈子、影山ヒロノブ、島田歌穂、櫻井智、横山智佐、中尾隆聖、園岡新太郎、きだつよしと本格派スターらが勢揃い。 ミュージカルの要となるダンスシーンに ...
个人分类: Wikipedia|560 次阅读|0 个评论

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