
buying88 2022-2-7 08:42
年默丶 2021-8-23 19:52
Rodrigosantos09 2020-2-24 13:07
Gsc quando você vai postar uma versão da kof2002 PS2 versão 1.0 pra kawaks?
hgscruzer 2019-6-20 15:37
98567kyo 2018-10-15 12:16
糙某人 2018-10-5 14:55
李寻疯 2017-8-15 06:06
sonr800imx 2017-8-7 15:56
I really think there is a misunderstanding...We don't intentionaly patch the code in FB Alpha neogeo source to remove  any statement from GSC2007 !!! If it was intentionnal, we even would not have credited GSC2007 and this is not the case.

Like i said our's patch code to make the game boots and works (without any source) was not perfect and accidentally skipped some statement from the author (and maybe some others things).

We shall be pleased if GSC2007 will share his source code to fix the problem in FBA and make the statement from GSC2007 back in the code.

@ Creamymami: Tell GSC2007 it is not intentional. It is a mistake in our pacth code and we have made something's wrong. We're ready to fix it but we need the proper pacth code and source to fix the wrong part in our patch code which skip the GSC2007 statement !
JacKc  O_O

sonr800imx 2017-8-1 01:37
here is no intention to remove anything from GSC20007 which are in the code. The fact is without source code, our driver is not entirely proper and has accidentaly removed some disclaimer from GSC2007.

Added clone of Double Dragon (Special 2017, hack) [GSC2007, JacKc, iq_132]

Someone has forgotten to put the proper credits concerning GSC2007.

I confirm one more time nothing has be volontary done to bypass some modification made by GSC2007 in his work, to remove info or disclaimer from the hacker, or to modified the ROM. It is just we don't have the original driver source code and we have probably done something wrong in our driver.

I apologize if we have hurt GSC2007. We don't intend to.

@ GSC2007 : Do you beilieve our purpose is to stole your work made on your Special 2017 neo-geo hacks and getting all the credits for them? I don't think so...We have more important things to be done on FB Alpha than this ! We just want people to discover your amazing hacks, that's all !!!.

Check our latest source on FB Alpha.com and you will see you have been properly credited...

Now if you want things beeing fixed and properly beeing added, why not sharing your source code? It will make things really easier.

Best regards,

c2499606 2017-7-31 15:09
大侠想问下为何我在这里下的和其它地方下的2002CLIMAX ,都无法解压呢。。有在游聚平台玩这个版本,是否有影响?
8866121 2017-3-25 22:41
我用的模拟器版本Mame32 Plus 0.116U4 中文版,能帮我把你这个贴的源码弄进去吗,http://f.ppxclub.com/610673-1-1 我微信发20元红包给你,举手之劳拜托了,万分感谢!我自己看不懂
8866121 2017-3-25 02:33
能教我把出招简化加到我的mame模拟器吗,你的模拟器版本不支持我要玩的游戏,求求你了,看到麻烦发条短信给我,这是我手机号码 18503095063
A天下第一剑 2013-10-19 18:44
277279096 2012-7-28 21:54

小黑屋|手机版|Archiver|琵琶行论坛 ( 赣ICP备12000882号 )

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