
jy0042043 2022-10-19 16:41
街机爱好者 2017-10-12 20:39
Machete 2017-5-4 14:38
Hello yuic, I've read your post about Cadillacs & Dinosaurs Asia TW version on the forum (I replied with a message), very nice find!! Just a thing, please can you share some high resolution pics of your pcb? I would know if your board is 100% original (stickers on roms, case etc.) or it was already been phoenixed before you dumped it.

Many thanks for any further information!
天崖无雪 2017-4-26 05:29

小黑屋|手机版|Archiver|琵琶行论坛 ( 赣ICP备12000882号 )

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