

Usb Loader GX r1202 (12.08.25)

已有 4405 次阅读2012-5-25 01:47 |个人分类:wii|

Alright, I added a checking function for the enabled cheats in the GCT file. I am not sure if it will work good as some cheats include another and there is no way to seperate them in the GCT file. So it is possible that enabling one cheat -> save -> go out and back in the menu will show another cheat as "ON". I did though never had that yet and it would be good if you guys could test it. To avoid this there would be only two options, either create another file besides the .gct file or modify and append data to the codes .txt file. I don't like both so let's see how well GCT parsing works for now.Additionally i moved the initialisation of the network into another thread. This means it should be cancelable on the prompt and has a timeout of 20s. I am not sure if I used the same prompt everywhere in the loader. If you find one that is freezing tell me which one it is and where to find it.Also i fixed saving the HBC bnr file in bnr caching. It was saved with the real 4 bytes of the lower TID and not with our override to JODI. This resulted in invalid FAT32 characters which leaded to failed writes of the bnr file.

Ok guys here are the features that i added new:
- added gc games copy from USB to SD on demand with choice menu to delete SD games to make space on device, SD games path can be chosen seperately from main gc path.
  all dupicate sd games are prefered to the main path to allow direct boot of games that are already on sd. main path can be on USB or anywhere else.
- added gc disc dump functionality with multidisc, iso compress and 32k align support (thanks to FIX94 and Overjoy for their disc dump source on which this is based)
- added selection menu for gc multidiscs which games to install

I am not sure if the 32k align or compress setting for gc dumping should be enabled by default or not. I am not that much into the gc games yet. Tell me if you know more.

I did only basic tests and as usual leaving the rest to you :P.
Also see if the bug with the message board is fixed now. Have fun.

Ok guys I added support for both older DML revisions and v1.2 for now as temporary solution. The older DML revision support will be dropped later.
Also I added display of game sizes on GC delete menu and added a default GC banner sound. GC cache banner sound will also be loaded now if one is present otherwise the default is used.
I also fixed a bug when trying to store NAND emu on 2nd usb port when using both USB ports for HDDs with d2x.

Bah made a last minute bug when cleaning up code right before putting it here that prevents the settings in DML v1.2+ from being loaded. It loads settings into the place where v1.1 would expect it twice instead :\.
-Original disk support for DML 1.3. If you have a chip installed you can play backups, too.
-New compression format support (GCReEx).

Ok both of your problems should be fixed. Force PAL/NTSC 480p should work now. it was one of the new options that were added which i didnt take a look at yet. Thanks to FIX94 for pointing it out.

OK since the Wii System Menu Player is released now as I already mentioned the
source for the loader will also be put on SVN again. Now that i am done with
merging here is the MOD17 source.

Changelog since last revision:
- add banner/icon animation support for wii games / channels / gamecube
- add custom banner for gamecube which loads the gamecube internal opening.bnr
information (it is much better than the generic one of the system menu) (big
thanks to diddy from the wiithemeteam for creating the brlyt/brlan for the
- add gamecube banner of system menu (not used right now since it sucks)
- add banner grid of the system menu (resources loaded from nand) (with button
- add big banner frame window of the system menu (resources loaded from nand).
the banner window has buttons "Settings" and "Start" by default. if parental
control is enabled the "Settings" button is replaced by "Back"
- add play count text to the banner frame window (can be disabled as up until
now in the gui settings)
- add zoom in/out/scroll animations to banner grid and change into big frame
- add loading gc banners from ISO and DVD
- add loading wii banners from DVD discs even if the game is not installed
- add favorite level setting to the game settings since it is no longer on the
banner frame window
- add new settings section for banner settings
- add option to choose between disc window and banner window
- added back ehci module to support 2 usb drives and re-enabled the option
- add option for 2 usb drives for d2x cIOS as well (will be supported in the
future, not yet)
- exchanged "GC Games" and "EmuNand Channels" on the game selection screen (more
space for translators)
- add and fixed gui numpad for entering numbers of any kind
- add setting for tooltip delay time
- fix reload of cover image on game list when only 1 item is left after a change
(e.g. sort)
- add use of old build in font for credits window because it doesnt look good
with the system menu one
- fixed effect bug when scrolling buttons in the settings and the wiimote is
over button 1
- fixed bug where entering -1 (Use global) for cIOS was not possible in game
- many source cleanups
- add bnr chace setting
- add DML configuration from the loader
- removed creation of temporary "boot.bin" file
- DML custom game paths.
  Additionally i added support for following forms of paths:
  1. configpath/gamepath/game.iso
  2. configpath/gamepath/game.gcm
  3. configpath/gamepath/GAMEID6.iso
  4. configpath/gamepath/GAMEID6.gcm
  Where gamepath can be anything you want inside the configure path in the
custom path settings.
  I don't know if GCM files are allowed by DML but i just added support for it
just in case.
  Changing path to USB is not blocked currently but games won't run from USB
just keep that in mind.
  The "copy to SD before start" feature is not added yet. Listing the games
should work though
- DML cheats now work the same way as for wii, gct goes to "Cheatcode Path" as
GAMEID.gct (same as on wii)
- several DML internal configs are added as per game/global settings
- added load of last cheat configuration from GCT files
- added init of network into background thread so it is cancelable and has a
- added gc games copy from USB to SD on demand with choice menu to delete SD
games to make space, SD games path can be chosen seperately from main gc path.
  all dupicate sd games are prefered then the main path to allow direct boot of
games that are already on sd. main path can be on USB or anywhere else.
- added gc disc dump functionality with multidisc, compress and align support
(thanks to FIX94 and Overjoy for their disc dump source on which this is based)
- added selection menu for gc multidisc which game to install
- fixed loading game ID when it can't be read from path for GC games and with
that loading the titles from GameTDB for them
- lots of string handling improvements (thanks to gerbilsoft for his patch)
- added gamecube banner cache loading (only loading) if available with
GAMEID6.bnr or ID3.bnr in the banner cache path. wii games/channels also accept
now ID3.bnr.
- added several progress bar cancel buttons on some missing progress windows
- improved calculation of progress speed. now it is always the last 15 secs
average instead of overall progress speed.
- added pulsing new icon on banner grid layout for new games
- added resize of widescreen screenshots to 768 width
- added mii extract on save game extract if the file does not yet exists
- added mii extractor and SYSCONF extractor that always extracts and overwrites
old files
- changed wifi gecko to UDP socket
- support for DML v1.2+

Banner animation support requires AHBPROT flag to be enabled. If you use old HBC
you should use our forwarder or update the HBC otherwise you wont have that

I am hoping that now the themers and the translators can catch up with their
stuff for the next upcomming official release.

little fix

USBLoaderGX Installer:
*added functionality to parse text file for revision and link
*removed unneeded stuff and some clean ups

*add sources for WifiGeckoReader

*removed DML video mode setup, the main loader video mode is now used as
*added an option to force interlace mode on GC
*fixed force prog mode on DML 1.4
*fixed a bug in detecting new titles ("new" mark)
*removed "Loader Mode" setting from global settings as it is setup on main view
*removed "Search Mode" setting from global settings as it is setup on search
*corrected copy/paste bug in theme text
*changed update function to get the files depending on the text file in the
branches like the new installer (since old hoster isnt accessable anymore)
*fixed missing OK button on prompt window on gc multi disc install

remove debug stuff

*add release version individual language download URL

*fixed problem with loading wrong cheats instead of the selected
*fixed possible problem in activating cheats for certain languages

*lanuage files update (thanks to the translators)

*corrected language download link

* Reverted fixed values from v3.0
* Added a Clock size factor (size factor is theme-able and will override user's
value if not "1.0" in .them file)
* Fixed tooltip opacity on Home Button and game icons on Channel grid mode.
* Fixed Banner Grid position X and Y not working in .them file (Thanks Dimok)
* Fixed half-cut cover in grid mode if only 4 games are displayed by showing it
on both sides and allowing scrolling.

* Improved Category filtering.
You can now easily hide games on category basis.
Click on a category to cycle through possible checkbox states.

The "ALL" category can now have 3 different states:
  [ ] Not checked = Doesn't display all categories (like before)
  [v] Checked     = Displays all categories (like before)
  [X] Cross       = Displays all categories except forbidden categories.

The other categories now have 4 different states:
  [ ] Not checked = Games containing this category are not filtered (like
  [v] Enabled     = All games containing this category will be displayed (like
  [X] Forbidden   = All games containing this category will NOT be displayed.
  [+] Required    = All games NOT containing this category will NOT be

* Optimizing previous changes (Thanks Dimok)
* Fixed crashing problem when launching a game before banner caching is
completed. (Dimok)
* Fixed theme downloader stuck at 100% after unzipping.
* Fixed prompt typo and prompt behavior when exiting the copy/delete GC menu.
* Renamed string "Rename Game on WBFS" to "Rename Game Title".

* Added quick support to DIOS MIOS

* Update menus to detect DIOS MIOS and DIOS MIOS Lite. (Thanks to Fix94 and Dimok).

* Wiki update: Fixed typo for GCReEx

- added support for Yaz0 decompression on banners and system menu resources
(This is needed by some Custom Wii System Menu Themes like the DarkWii Theme.
Hopefully now all System Menu Themes are supported as layout.) (thx darkwii and
atymick for the info about the used Yaz0 compression in those themes.)

* I Forgot the added file in previous rev.

* Added log over WiFi support for Devolution r100+ (always enabled).
* Added DIOS MIOS 2.2+ support by adding a version selector in global Loader Settings.

* Added new DIOS MIOS v2.2 update2 NoDisc setting.
* Fixed Devolution config version number and removed forced Wifi logging setting

* Added back "DML Video Mode" setting (Fix Mario golf)
* Fixed in-game video mode (50/60hz) selection screen not displayed and fixed  incorrect colors with DIOS MIOS. Please report any problem with Wii/Channel games.
* Allowed Video Mode setting for Devolution instead of always forcing Disc default.
* Added Japanese game fix for memory card access with DIOS MIOS.

* Added a new option to Game Window setting to display banner
  animation only on Channels layout, other layouts use Rotating disc.
* Added new Priiloader 0.8 beta4 compatibility to parental control setting
* Added support for Devolution's smaller Memory Card size
  (min size = 512KB, 59 blocks)
* Fixed the auto-completion search bug (Thanks to hvy109 for the patch)
* Reworked GUI window for covers download and auto select all choices.
  Select HQ/LQ/custom/original priority in the GUI settings.
* Added banner download from custom URL when GameCube mode is enable.
  Set the URL manually in the GXGlobal.cfg, http://URL/ will search
  for http://URL/ID6.bnr and http://URL/ID3.bnr
  Delete URL to disable banner download. Thanks to Abz for the default URL.

* Added DM(L) version detection and removed user setting.
* Added a setting for DML Japanese Patch
* Hide DML individual game settings if DM(L) is not installed
  or is not the correct version.
* Fixed device selection when using USB with devolution
* Fixed Devolution's launching and game region detection
  (Fix lag and wrong colors. Thanks to testers)
* Prevent Playcount increasing if the game couldn't launch

好吧, 我添加了偵測 GCT 檔案功能好讓 GCT 檔案來啟用作弊. 可是我不能十分的確定它能夠正常的啟用全部作弊功能以及正確的辨識 GCT 檔案. 以下為可能發生的狀況: 啟用一個作弊 -> 記錄 -> 然後再離開現在的選單回到界面下會看到其他的作弊顯示為 "不啟用" "ON". 我雖然還沒完整的測試過,不過我相信應該還是能使用,希望你們大家一齊來測試. 想避免以上的情況只有兩種方式可以選擇, 請新建立一個 .gct 檔案或將作弊的代碼以及數據儲存在 .txt 檔案裡. 其實我並不喜歡這樣的方式不過讓我們來看看 GCT 它有大 的能耐.此外,我新增了另一個方式讓網路能順利的初使化. 這意味著可能會出現取消的提示並可能會發生長達 20秒 的超時. 我不確定是否在你們的主機上也會發生跟我一樣的情況. 如果發生任何執行中止的錯誤請告訴我在你主機上發生的情況好讓我加以修正.另外 我修正了在 HBC 存檔 bnr 檔案時所發生的錯誤. 它曾經會發生記錄一個 4 bytes 的檔案於 TID 而不是應該正常的覆蓋在 JODI 之下. 這在 FAT32 格式之下將發生無效的字符寫入 bnr 檔案以致發生錯誤.

- 添加將 GC 遊戲轉儲到 SD 或是 USB 裝置上亦可以在選單上選擇刪除你所不再需要的好讓空間增加, 可以設定 SD 卡裡的 GC 遊戲主要路徑.
  所有在 SD 卡裡的遊戲將會先從首要的路徑來讀取遊戲,在 USB 裝置上的情況也是一樣.
- 添加自製 GC 兩片以上遊戲光碟的功能, 壓縮為 ISO 並支援 32K 模式 (謝謝 FIX94 以及 Overjoy 提供的光碟轉儲代碼)
- 添加從兩片以上光碟裡選擇要安裝那一個遊戲的功能

我不確定將 GC 遊戲轉儲壓縮為 ISO 並支援 32K 模式是否應該其定為預設選項. 我還沒有得到充足的 GC 遊戲資料. 如果你知道的比我多請告訴我.

我只有大概的簡單測試而已是否很好用我想要你們自己來親身體驗了 :P.
所有我看到你們所回報的錯誤我已經修正了. 希望大家玩的愉快.

Ok 我添加了舊式的 DML 修改以及 DML v1.2 版的方式以做為臨時解決的方案. 以後的版本將會移除掉舊版本 DML 的支持.
另外我添加了 GC 遊戲刪除選單同時顯示即將刪除遊戲大小的功能還有 GC 遊戲啟動音效. 如果 GC遊戲的開頭音效存在將載入為預設音效,反之將使用原音效.
在使用 d2x ios 的情形下第二 usb 端口上的硬碟將發生錯誤的情況已經修正.

在清理代碼之前先在這裡發佈這個版本,希望在 DML v1.2+ 載入之前能先設定. 你可以在設定裡設置你的 v1.1 版本希望這樣能發揮更大的功能 :\.
-GC 原版光碟也也可以在 DML 1.3 運行. 如果你有硬改主機可以直接玩備份片, 兩種方式都可行.
-新添加支持 (GCReEx) 格式.

大多數的問題已經得到修正. 強制使用 PAL/NTSC 480p 影像模式已經可以使用了. 但是在這個選項的更進一步的話我還沒有時間去做. 謝謝 FIX94 的指正.

OK 從 Wii System Menu Player 釋出以來我一直提到給讀取器使用的代碼也已經在 SVN 上了. 現在我將 MOD1 到 MOD17 以來的代碼結合並釋出.

- 添加動態的 Wii 遊戲 標題/小圖示 / 頻道 / gamecube
- 添加自訂 GAMECUBE 的遊戲標題或讀取 GAMECUBE 遊戲自己的開頭 (這樣在系統選單上通用性會更好) (感謝從 wiithemeteam 論壇來的 diddy  建立的 brlyt/brlan 標題代碼)
- 添加在系統選單裡的 GAMECUBE 標題 (還沒啟用的原因是因為這功能還蠻爛的)
- 添加標題頻道在系統選單裡 (從 nand 載入的資訊) (以及更好的按鈕)
- 添加從大型標題視窗傳送到系統選單的大型標題 (從 nand 載入的資訊). 標題視窗有一個可使用的按鈕 "設定" 以及 "開始" 這些預設值. 如果父母控管的功能啟用下一按 "設定" 鈕回直接回到 "Back" (上一個選單)
- 添加遊戲時間記錄文字檔可以在標題的視窗下檢視 (可以在主選單裡停用)
- 添加縮放 in/out/scroll 動態標題視窗以及改變大型框架視窗
- 添加從 GAMECUBE 遊戲的 ISO 以及 DVD 裡讀取遊戲標題
- 添加可以在遊戲未安裝下直接從原版光碟裡讀取遊戲標題
- 添加我的最愛等級設定於遊戲設定裡這個功能不包含在標題視窗裡
- 添加新的遊戲標題設定
- 添加選擇切換光碟視窗到標題視窗的功能
- 添加回放 ehci 模快來支援兩個 usb 裝置以及重啟選項
- 添加兩個 usb 裝置在 d2x cIOS 的高支援度 (將會支援, 尚未啟用)
- 可以在遊戲選擇畫面下切換 "GC 遊戲" 以及 "模擬 Nand 頻道"(可以讓空間使用上更為方便)
- 添加以及修正選單數字鍵盤給小孩子來輸入數字
- 添加設定選項提示的延遲時間
- 修正遊戲列表上的遊戲封面重置一個選項改變馬上退出的錯誤 (e.g. sort)
- 修正使用舊型的字型檔功能視窗因為它看起來在系統選單上不好看
- 修正在滾動視窗按鈕的效果設定它設定的按鈕在 wiimote 控制器的 1 上
- 修正在輸入上的錯誤 -1 (使用於 global) 在 cIOS 上以前會在遊戲設定上有問題
- 清除了許多無用的代碼
- 添加 bnr chace 設定
- 添加 DML 在讀取器上的設定
- 移除建立在暫時目錄下的 "boot.bin" 檔案
- DML 自訂遊戲路徑.
  1. configpath/gamepath/game.iso
  2. configpath/gamepath/game.gcm
  3. configpath/gamepath/GAMEID6.iso
  4. configpath/gamepath/GAMEID6.gcm
  我不清楚如果 GCM 檔案是否也可以在 DML 設定上使用不過我已經添加這個功能了.
  改變在 USB 裝置裡的路徑已經沒有問題了,不過不確定遊戲是否能在 USB 裝置上好好的運行.
  功能 "轉儲到 SD 卡上之後啟動" 還沒有添加完成. 不過列出在 SD 卡上的遊戲應該沒有問題了
- DML 作弊功能已經可以在 Wii 上正常使用了, gct 檔案於 "作弊檔案路徑" 的
GAMEID.gct (在 Wii 上也一樣)
- 幾個 DML 內部設置選項已經添加於 game/global 設定
- 添加自動讀取最後使用的作弊功能於 GCT 檔案
- 添加初始化網路的背景作業如果你取消它將會發生超時的情況
- 添加從 SD 卡 轉儲 GC 遊戲到 USB 裝置的功能選項來刪除 SD 卡裡的遊戲並清理空間, SD 卡裡的遊戲路徑也可以在 GC 遊戲路徑裡設定.
  所以轉儲的 SD 卡上的遊戲會直接以 SD 卡上的遊戲路徑為主要路徑. 你也可以把遊戲設定在 USB 裝置上任何你想要的路徑.
- 添加將 GC 遊戲結合轉儲為兩片以上光碟的功能, 壓縮以及調整的支持 (謝謝 FIX94 以及 Overjoy 的遊戲轉儲代碼)
- 添加製作兩片以上遊戲光碟的選擇選單
- 修正在無法從 GC 遊戲路徑下無法讀取遊戲 ID 將自動會從 GameTDB 來讀取的功能
- 許多字符串處理的改進 (謝謝 gerbilsoft 的指教)
- 添加 GAMECUBE 遊戲標題的緩存加載 (只有讀取) 如果在 GAMEID6.bnr 或 ID3.bnr 裡有適當的. Wii 遊戲/頻道 資訊在 ID3.bnr 裡.
- 添加多進程條目離開按鈕於某些缺失的視窗裡
- 改善計算進程速度. 現在大約在 15 秒內可以結束所有的進程.
- 添加動態的新小圖示在視窗下的顯示已安裝的新遊戲
- 添加調整到 768 寬度的寬屏截圖
- 添加 mii 資訊於記錄遊戲資訊不存在時的取代
- 添加 mii 資訊以及 SYSCONF 資訊會自動覆寫舊的資訊檔案
- 改變 wifi gecko 到 UDP 位置
- 最新支援到 DML v1.2+ 版本


USBLoaderGX 安裝器:

代碼 branches 目錄下:
*添加 WifiGeckoReader 的代碼

*移除 DML 影像模式的設定, 現在已經包含在 Usb Loader GX 的影像模式設定裡了
*添加給 GC 遊戲使用的隔行掃描模式
*修正 DML 1.4 的強制 prog 模式
*修正在檢測新遊戲標題的錯誤 ("new" 標記)
*移除在主程式下的主要視窗的全局設置裡的 "讀取器模式"
*移除在搜索視窗下的全局設置裡的 "搜索模式"
*修正在標題文字裡的複製/粘貼 的錯誤
*將更新功能改變由文字檔案裡的聯結來安裝新版本 (因為舊的聯結已經再也沒有作用了)
*修正在製作 GC 兩片以上遊戲光碟時提示視窗裡的確定按鈕


USBLoaderGX 安裝程式 1.8


*語系檔更新 (謝謝大家的語系檔)

*更正語系檔下載聯結 (備註: r1186 比正式版的 3.0 更新,因為在代碼裡修正了下載聯結的緣故)

* 從 v3.0 代碼裡的一些數值上的錯誤已經恢復
* 添加時測定時間大小的因素 (在代碼 theme-able 裡的大小因素如果數值不是 "1.0" 將會把.them 檔案裡的數值覆蓋掉)
* 修正格放檢視頻道模式裡的遊戲小圖示以及 HOME 按鈕的工具不透明值.
* 修正橫向的標題格 X 以及 Y 在 .them 檔案裡不能正確的設置 (謝謝 Dimok)
* 修正裁減過的遊戲封面在格放檢視如果只有四個遊戲的情形下會同時顯示並允許同時滾動的問題.

* Improved Category filtering.
You can now easily hide games on category basis.
Click on a category to cycle through possible checkbox states.

The "ALL" category can now have 3 different states:
  [ ] Not checked = Doesn't display all categories (like before)
  [v] Checked     = Displays all categories (like before)
  [X] Cross       = Displays all categories except forbidden categories.

The other categories now have 4 different states:
  [ ] Not checked = Games containing this category are not filtered (like
  [v] Enabled     = All games containing this category will be displayed (like
  [X] Forbidden   = All games containing this category will NOT be displayed.
  [+] Required    = All games NOT containing this category will NOT be

* Optimizing previous changes (Thanks Dimok)
* Fixed crashing problem when launching a game before banner caching is
completed. (Dimok)
* Fixed theme downloader stuck at 100% after unzipping.
* Fixed prompt typo and prompt behavior when exiting the copy/delete GC menu.
* Renamed string "Rename Game on WBFS" to "Rename Game Title".

* Added quick support to DIOS MIOS

* Update menus to detect DIOS MIOS and DIOS MIOS Lite. (Thanks to Fix94 and Dimok).

* Wiki update: Fixed typo for GCReEx

- added support for Yaz0 decompression on banners and system menu resources
(This is needed by some Custom Wii System Menu Themes like the DarkWii Theme.
Hopefully now all System Menu Themes are supported as layout.) (thx darkwii and
atymick for the info about the used Yaz0 compression in those themes.)

* I Forgot the added file in previous rev.

* Added log over WiFi support for Devolution r100+ (always enabled).
* Added DIOS MIOS 2.2+ support by adding a version selector in global Loader Settings.

* Added new DIOS MIOS v2.2 update2 NoDisc setting.
* Fixed Devolution config version number and removed forced Wifi logging setting

* Added back "DML Video Mode" setting (Fix Mario golf)
* Fixed in-game video mode (50/60hz) selection screen not displayed and fixed  incorrect colors with DIOS MIOS. Please report any problem with Wii/Channel games.
* Allowed Video Mode setting for Devolution instead of always forcing Disc default.
* Added Japanese game fix for memory card access with DIOS MIOS.

* Added a new option to Game Window setting to display banner
  animation only on Channels layout, other layouts use Rotating disc.
* Added new Priiloader 0.8 beta4 compatibility to parental control setting
* Added support for Devolution's smaller Memory Card size
  (min size = 512KB, 59 blocks)
* Fixed the auto-completion search bug (Thanks to hvy109 for the patch)
* Reworked GUI window for covers download and auto select all choices.
  Select HQ/LQ/custom/original priority in the GUI settings.
* Added banner download from custom URL when GameCube mode is enable.
  Set the URL manually in the GXGlobal.cfg, http://URL/ will search
  for http://URL/ID6.bnr and http://URL/ID3.bnr
  Delete URL to disable banner download. Thanks to Abz for the default URL.

* Added DM(L) version detection and removed user setting.
* Added a setting for DML Japanese Patch
* Hide DML individual game settings if DM(L) is not installed
  or is not the correct version.
* Fixed device selection when using USB with devolution
* Fixed Devolution's launching and game region detection
  (Fix lag and wrong colors. Thanks to testers)
* Prevent Playcount increasing if the game couldn't launch

http://code.google.com/p/usbload ... y%20Owner%20Summary

r1166 for ios 249 222 202 250 all in one
r1172 for ios 249 222 202 250 all in one
r1174 is only tool for Usb Loader GX here is the tool pack
r1176 for ios 249 222 202 250 all in one (tool in pack too)
r1177 tool pack
r1178 for ios 249 222 202 250 all in one
r1179 for ios 249 222 202 250 all in one
r1186 for ios 249 222 202 250 all in one
r1188 for ios 249 222 202 250 all in one
r1189 for ios 249 222 202 250 all in one
r1190 for ios 249 222 202 250 all in one
r1191 for ios 249 222 202 250 all in one
r1193 for ios 249 222 202 250 all in one
r1194 for ios 249 222 202 250 all in one
r1196 for ios 249 222 202 250 all in one
r1197 for ios 249 222 202 250 all in one
r1198 for ios 249 222 202 250 all in one
r1200 for ios 249 222 202 250 all in one
r1201 for ios 249 222 202 250 all in one
r1202 for ios 249 222 202 250 all in one






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