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版主: lo585983
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预览 [新闻] XBSX 2.0.3 (PCSX2 standalone port for Xbox) attachment lo585983 2023-9-11 3116 jingly 2023-9-12 08:35
预览 [新闻] FCE Ultra GX/CN (3.5.3) (NES Emulator for NGC/Wii) attachment agree lo585983 2023-9-8 2106 lo585983 2023-9-11 23:26
预览 [新闻] Snes9x GX/CN GIT (4.5.4) (SNES Emulator for NGC/Wii) attachment lo585983 2023-9-8 2101 lo585983 2023-9-11 23:24
预览 [新闻] Visual Boy Advance GX/CN (2.4.7) (GBA Emulator for NGC/Wii) attachment lo585983 2023-9-8 1107 lo585983 2023-9-11 23:22
预览 [新闻] DaedalusX64 vitaGL GIT (230817.3) (N64 Emulator for PS Vita) attachment lo585983 2023-2-14 284 lo585983 2023-9-11 22:47
预览 [新闻] Dolphin Emulator for UWP 1.1.6 (NGC/Wii Emulator for XBOXONE) attach_img lo585983 2023-9-11 2229 ydy135 2023-9-11 22:42
预览 [新闻] XM6 Pro-68k 2023.08.20 (Sharp X68000 Emulator for WIN) attachment lo585983 2023-2-14 3142 lo585983 2023-9-11 22:11
预览 [新闻] DS4Windows GIT (3.2.14) (Controllers Tool) attachment lo585983 2023-2-20 3163 lo585983 2023-9-11 21:51
预览 [新闻] Dolphin-Enhanced (NGC/Wii Emulator for Android) attachment lo585983 2023-9-10 1164 wangyuc 2023-9-11 09:06
预览 [讨论] 如何在某些Android平台的模拟器制作滤镜/其他内容的整合版 jackon033114 2023-8-13 5251 jackon033114 2023-9-10 17:11
预览 [新闻] GameRoy 0.3.1 (GB Emulator for WIN/Android written in Rust) attach_img lo585983 2023-9-9 3257 wang380 2023-9-10 16:49
预览 [新闻] Flycast GIT (1377e61) (Dreamcast\Naomi1/2\Atomiswave Emulator for more) attach_img agree  ...2 lo585983 2023-8-5 23969 lo585983 2023-9-9 23:52
预览 [新闻] fpPS4 GIT (b2d4c43) (PS4 Emulator for WIN) attachment lo585983 2023-9-8 3192 sgysgysg 2023-9-9 11:13
预览 [新闻] Xenia Canary 2023 9.4版本及游戏补丁 attachment  ...23 kk4587kk 2023-9-5 40833 chenye11 2023-9-8 15:40
预览 [新闻] GPCS4 GIT (88480de) (PS4 Emulator for WIN) attachment lo585983 2023-9-8 1112 kona 2023-9-8 14:25
预览 [新闻] MAME 0.258 x32 系列 attach_img lo585983 2023-9-7 3201 klaus1990 2023-9-8 07:29
预览 [新闻] Yuzu GIT/Early Access (1550/EA3858) (Switch Emulator for WIN) attachment  ...2 lo585983 2023-8-29 17393 lo585983 2023-9-8 03:01
预览 [新闻] puNES 0.110 GIT (ab41bc1) (NES Emulator for WIN) attachment lo585983 2023-9-8 093 lo585983 2023-9-8 00:00
预览 [讨论] GBA烧录卡专用 29个平台的模拟器合集 attach_img agree jackon033114 2023-7-25 7424 yu3566317 2023-9-7 23:36
预览 [新闻] Ryujinx GIT (1.1.1010) (Switch Emulator for WIN) attachment lo585983 2023-9-6 1137 lo585983 2023-9-7 21:18
预览 [新闻] DuckStation Netplay 0.4.0 (PSX Emulator for win for Netplay) attachment lo585983 2023-3-14 9429 lo585983 2023-9-7 19:48
预览 [新闻] Mouse Injector v15 (Dolphin/DuckStation/PCSX2, and other emulators) attachment lo585983 2023-3-15 3167 lo585983 2023-9-7 19:42
预览 [新闻] CloudpilotEmu 1.8.8 (Multi Phone Emulator more) attach_img agree lo585983 2023-3-31 8307 lo585983 2023-9-7 19:37
预览 [新闻] StoicGoose 002 GIT (71e53b24) (WS/C Emulator written in C#) attachment lo585983 2023-4-7 292 lo585983 2023-9-7 19:10
预览 [新闻] melonDS PS2 Alpha 0.3 (based on melonDS 0.7) attachment lo585983 2023-4-4 3240 lo585983 2023-9-7 19:07
预览 [新闻] RMG 0.5.2 GIT (7581316) (N64 Emulator for WIN) attachment lo585983 2023-4-14 2138 lo585983 2023-9-7 18:58
预览 [新闻] Project64K- Legacy 2.4.4 (Precompiled Project64 1.4 Core with kaillera) attachment lo585983 2023-4-14 1126 lo585983 2023-9-7 18:48
预览 [新闻] PSMSlugForever 4.6 attachment kof2112 2023-9-7 0146 kof2112 2023-9-7 00:59
预览 [新闻] AetherSX2/AetherPurpleSX2/NetherSX2 (BlackHawk/4248) (PS2 Emulator for Android) attach_img agree  ...2 lo585983 2023-2-8 161202 lo585983 2023-9-6 22:43
预览 [新闻] Snes9x TestBuild v1.61.3 R1326 attachment kof2112 2023-9-6 3221 shuchong124 2023-9-6 21:35
预览 [新闻] DeSmuME GIT (25cbcd2) (NDS Emulator for WIN) attachment agree lo585983 2023-2-15 10472 lo585983 2023-9-6 13:24
预览 [新闻] Ryujinx GIT (1.1.1008) (Switch Emulator for WIN) attachment lo585983 2023-8-18 9339 lo585983 2023-9-6 02:52
预览 [新闻] [轉貼] Saturn Save Converter attachment mariotaotao 2023-9-4 3253 daae921 2023-9-5 19:56
预览 [新闻] VisualBoyAdvance-M 2.1.6 released attachment kof2112 2023-7-11 12443 moomstars 2023-9-4 06:27
预览 [新闻] XXX.EMU 1.5.74 正式版 (Multi-System Emulator for Android) attachment agree lo585983 2023-8-28 9561 gxb 2023-9-3 17:52
预览 [讨论] 『 模拟新闻 』板块置顶帖阅读权限需要255 scsfqqssyy 2023-9-1 5198 DJY520 2023-9-3 07:59
预览 [新闻] Skyline GIT/MrPurple/Edge (2473/252/68) (Switch Emulator for Android) attach_img  ...23456 lo585983 2023-2-8 701999 blucesky 2023-9-2 16:19
预览 [新闻] skyline GIT 7247336 (Switch Emulator for Android) attachment  ...2345 lo585983 2022-2-19 5810500 blucesky 2023-9-2 14:53
预览 [新闻] Dig Premium 1.44.3 (Emulator Front-End for Android) attach_img agree lo585983 2023-2-8 4288 lo585983 2023-9-1 20:54
预览 [新闻] 高危漏洞曝光!WinRAR软件迎来关键修复 attachment  ...23 yue-no.3 2023-8-25 35894 梁卫成 2023-9-1 18:58
预览 [汉化] Sharp X68000 模拟器 XM6 Pro 20220903/XM6 TypeG 3.36 汉化版(9/3 更新) attachment agree  ...2 莫尼卡 2022-5-7 203798 老子弄你 2023-9-1 18:06
[新闻] Mednafen网络联机(自建服务器) - [阅读权限 11]attach_img agree  ...23 红莲火焰 2022-10-28 29974 girmzz 2023-9-1 13:32
预览 [新闻] PS2 Cheats pack (Numbers-T) v.5.0 attachment agree  ...2 lo585983 2023-8-16 18826 270161492 2023-8-31 16:15
预览 [新闻] 虾哥论坛停运!太可惜了! attach_img  ...23456 wsm2003 2023-7-16 631950 270161492 2023-8-31 16:12
预览 [讨论] 街机版RPCS3 (Arcade Fork) - Project OMED 将放出 attach_img  ...2 dj1928 2023-8-30 14793 mike_11 2023-8-31 14:58
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